Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2,2011

There isn't much to report from the life of McKenna from today. I went to church, in a killer cute outfit, might I add. I was planning on going to visit my grandparents in Cleveland. I went to fill my car up with gas and on the way to return my mom's card to her, my car wouldn't start at the church. That was a great part of my day, right? I think NOT. So for the rest of the day I did nothing but watch Law & Order: SVU and mix in a little reading and web-surfing. Yes, I know, it's the second day of the year and I am already becoming lazy. It's sad, but I think I needed a day of doing absolutely nothing before the craziness of second semester starts up next week. This picture shows two of my favorite detectives on SVU- the ever sarcastin Detective Munch and Detective Tutuolla.
That was my day and I know you are all so thrilled by it's excitement and the business of it all. Oh, I almost forgot. I did do something interesting today: I sorta chewed out a 14-year-old girl from my church. I know, not the most Christianly thing to do, at all, but I couldn't help the temptation to give this annoying little girl a peice of her own medicine. I have never been a very confrontational person, and I never have been someone to intentionally hurt a fragile teenage in angst. But of course, it is a different story when this particual teenager has been pestering my little sister and her new boyfriend. Let's just say I told this girl to quit talking about my sister and keep my sister and her boyfriend's name out of her mouth. Hopefully I didn't scar her fragile heart too much in the process ;)

All in all, today was a vey unevenful day, but I got a long way in uping my relaxation for the year. Look forward to more posts each day on the exciting events going on in my life.

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