Wednesday, January 5, 2011

January 5, 2011

I cannot wait until classes start back because I feel so useless just sitting around and reading and watching Law & Order all day. I love being busy and I wish I had something I could have been busy with the past couple days! Thankfully, the next few days I will be spending in Huntsville with my boyfriend and his family and then on Sunday I will be headed back to Livingston and classes start on Monday. Today though, was just another day aboard the train of BOOKS & NETFLIX. I slept in until almost 1 o'clock, got a shower and went with my mom to the thrift store where I got three new books to add to my stack of novels I need to read. The books I got today are: "Death by Latte" by Linda Gerber, "A Million Little Pieces" by James Frey, and "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time" by Mark Haddon.  After grabbing some McDonald's gourmet food and my prescriptions, we went to pick up my sisters from school. At Syd's school I got to see my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. White. I have always been amazed at how teachers you had when you were a little kid, almost 13 years ago, can still know who you are even though  you obviously don't look the same. Mrs. White was an amazing teacher and she is part of the reason I want to pursue a major in Elementary Education and a career as a kindergarten teacher. I just cannot wait to teach little kids how to say their ABC's, how to count, how to read, and how to color inside the lines. The lady below inspired me to join educators in their search to teach kids the basics of life, and I will never forget the impact she had on me.
After our visits to the schools of Hueytown, we trekked into Hoover to Academy and Wal-mart where I stayed in the car and read, of course. We then went home where I finished reading "The Fallen 2" and I picked my next book victim. All in all, today was a good and simple day, and it will probably be my last one of those for a while, so I am glad I got to enjoy them while they lasted.

I hope I am able to keep up with my blog while I am in Huntsville the next couple days, so look forward to pictures from my trip there, and look for my pictures and posts starting on Monday when I return to college life!

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